Thursday 6 November 2008


Pleased to see that my scheduled poetry post posted okay, I’m obviously not as technically inept as I thought I was - not quite.

Got back from holiday safely and have started the long haul that is NaNo, am more than a little bit off target at the moment, currently at 1400 words. So I need to try and get some serious typing done. I am terrible for wanting to edit as I go along, which I know is wrong during NaNo. I’m also still trying to work on The Bargain at the same time. Both of the stories I’m working on I am so happy with, I just wish I had more hours in the day to write.

I really need to think of some more Thursday 13’s to post. I usually get up to about 6 or 7 items on the list and then get stumped. Hmm, maybe I’ll do a Thursday 7 instead.

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