Thursday 4 September 2008

Thursday 13 #3 ~ 13 Things I Don't Like

So after last weeks raindrops on roses, this week it’s the bees stinging and dogs barking.

1.Flying. I have a phobia about it. Strictly speaking it’s a phobia about crashing, but I haven’t been on a plane for many years and I can’t see that changing any time soon.

2.Aniseed. Just don’t like it, so yep I don’t like fennel or pernod either.

3. Daddy Long Legs (Does anyone outside the UK call them that?) Their proper name is cranefly. They have long spindly legs and follow you. When I was little I was once trapped in the back of a car with one. Cue hysterical screaming and trying to get out of the back of a three-door car when no one in the front thinks they should move because it’s only a cranefly. We were in a public carpark at the time - this did not endear me to my parents.

4.Wasps - I’m only allowing myself two insects and this is the other one.

5.Speaking in public. I’m quite shy so this is a toughie for me. Though I will usually pull myself together and get on with it.

6. Mornings. Well more the fact that I have to get up out of my toasty warm bed. Once I’m up I’m usually okay. And on the mornings when it’s crisp and fresh outside and the sun is shining I wonder why I don’t get up this early every morning. A feeling that lasts until 7am the following day when I don’t want to get up again.

7.Being late. Hate it. I hate it if I’m late.

8. Soggy bread. LOL. So I’ve never tried bread and butter pudding.

9. Litter. I love going to the seaside or for walks in our local wood. And the fact that there is so much litter on the beach when we have such beautiful countryside I don’t like.

10.I don’t like that I’m a slob. Partly I think this is an over reaction so I don’t become completely obsessive compulsive and organize myself to the nth degree.

11.Banning books. I always find it interesting during banned book week to see if I’ve read any of the books on the list.

12. Films with bad endings. I hate when I go to the cinema, pay my money and come out at the end feeling like I’ve lost two hours of my life that I’ll never get back.

13. Intolerance. Now, I think every human being is a little intolerant of something. Just looking at my list I’m intolerant of wasps that like aniseed and get up early in the morning. But being intolerant just because you can, or without reason, or without even thinking why you’re intolerant of something I don’t like.

Hmmm. Hope I don’t come across as too much of a grump. Remember I did post 13 favourite things last week.

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