Thursday 19 March 2009

Thursday 13 #17 - Getting Out of a Funk

You know how it is, every so often you get a little down, or everything seems to go wrong. So here are 13 ways to either, embrace it, indulge it, fight it, give into it or go around it.

1. Chocolate. Well it’s not the answer to everything, but it helps. I think I’ve mentioned before kirsch cherries smothered in dark chocolate are my current favourite.

2. Dancing. Now the only ‘person’ who gets to see me dance is my dog. Yes, it is that embarrassing. But my dog doesn’t care if I look like a lunatic.

3. Taking a walk in the fresh air. Getting away from whatever is bugging you.

4. Comfort food - not just chocolate, sausage and mash, spaghetti bolognese, apple pie. Okay, now I’m getting hungry.

5. Housework. Take it out on the clutter and junk.

6. Gardening. Take it out on the weeds.

7. Watch a weepy and let it all out. Alternatively watch a happy movie and cheer yourself up, eating chocolate at the same time is optional.

8. Write it out. Get it down on paper.

9. Comfort read. I have lots of books that are like old friends. And sometimes there’s nothing that makes me feel better than losing myself in a story.

10. Go for a drive. I don’t mean on the motorway, ’cause that’s hardly calming. But I think there’s a reason that crying babies often calm down on a car journey. Getting away from the problem even temporarily can clear your head.

11. Spend time with your pets.

12. Read the season 3 Dante’s Cove episode recaps at Dante's Cove recaps. They’ve never failed to have me laughing.

13. If it’s really bad and there’s no getting out of it. Have a duvet day.

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