Thursday, 13 November 2008

Thursday 13 #9 - Procastination

So as I’m currently attempting NaNo and have just started 70 days of sweat. I thought I’d take a look at all the ways I procrastinate rather than get my finger out. Procrastination is the enemy.

1. Housework. Funny how this takes on much more importance when I should be writing. The insane need to vacuum becomes more important than Chapter 5.

2. Sorting out. Not to be confused with housework. For instance at the moment my wardrobe is in dire need of a sort out, as is the attic. I confess the likelihood of the attic being sorted out is much less than my attacking Chapter 5, I have limits.

3. Computer games. I kind of promised myself a World of Warcraft subscription for this Christmas, but I don’t think it’s a good idea.

4. Ebay. I often find myself surfing Ebay when I shouldn’t.

5. In fact the internet in general is a bit of a timesink. Or maybe I just don’t have any willpower.

6. Television. Okay, I admit since getting my hard drive this has improved. I no longer have to worry about missing that all important program because I’m writing, I let the little box worry about that for me. One procrastination problem solved.

7. Reading. I think it’s important as a writer to read, not just in your own genre but in others as well. I think it keeps your mind open to new ideas and what’s happening out there in the writing world. But it is possible to have too much of a good thing.

8. Thinking. Now this is also important in the writing process, but again, see number 7. Too much of a good thing is not a good thing. Though I admit my favourit part of the writing process is puzzling out all those plot points.

9. Critting. I love critting. I think I’ve learnt a lot from critiqueing other peoples work. But you can get so caught up in it, that you neglect your own. It’s about finding a balance.

10. Napping. This is really connected to thinking. If I’m stuck on a particular plot point, a nap can often clear my head. But napping and thinking, is not writing.

11. Blogging. I know I suck at keeping a regular blog. But it’s amazing how I suddenly want to write thirty blog posts when I’m stuck at the beginning of a chapter.

12. Getting off track. Writer’s block I don’t think is necessarily an inability to write anything down in itself. It’s also an inability to focus. My big problem is having so many stories I want to tell and keeping that focus so I can get them down on paper. If I’m not really disciplined with myself I do get distracted. This is something I’m on constant guard against. If I have a brilliant idea I try to outline it and console myself with the fact that I’ll still be able to work on it in the future. As soon as I’ve got Chapter 5 finished.

13. Other stuff or misc. :) Lots of other stuff gets in the way, but I think the important thing is to try and find a balance between your writing life and your other life. And pay attention when the scales tip too far in the wrong direction - whichever direction that may be.

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